My Dear Colleagues,

I am usually private about personal health matters, but I felt I should share my experience to provide some insight and inspiration.

I have had right-sided hemorrhoids that have bothered me off and on since college. I have experienced a few episodes of (very painful) thrombosis over the years, nagging symptoms of prolapse, pain, burning, and bleeding. A true grade 3/4 with the whole spectrum of symptoms that has only gotten worse with age. A colorectal surgical colleague had done banding on two separate occasions. Each resulted in two weeks of post-procedural misery for minimal short-lived partial improvement.

Dr. P was to perform my colonoscopy as he had done in the past. I asked him to address the hemorrhoids by treating both the right anterior and right posterior columns by HemWellectomy.

I am pleased to report the results after one month: my hemorrhoids have clinically DISAPPEARED!

Post-procedure, I experienced a slight low-grade ache in the right anal area x 48 hrs. No analgesics were needed, it did not interfere with any of life’s daily activities, and defecation was not painful. The next day my schedule at our GI center was full and I performed my duties as if nothing had been done the previous day. Now a month later, there are no masses or prolapse, pain, bleeding, pruritis, or burning.  I have become completely asymptomatic, and I have not felt this well in over 30 years! Clearly, this is a short-term follow-up and the experience of one patient; however, I think the result are MIRACULOUS!

As a clinician and a patient, I think HemWellectomy is an amazing technology to treat one of the most common afflictions that we see in GI practice. I hope this feedback provides some insight and inspiration. For those GIs who have not started using Hemwell, please reach out to me or any of your partners to learn the technique. It is easy and satisfying. For those of us actively performing the HemWellectomy, I encourage you to incorporate a hemorrhoidal review of symptoms for each new and follow-up patient visit to uncover symptoms that might not be shared voluntarily by patients. Most patients are unaware that we can treat their hemorrhoids, so we must field the questions.

Introducing and using new technology for patient care is what keeps our practice, endoscopy centers, and gastroenterologists cutting-edge and ahead of the competition. Please reach out with any questions or comments.

Dr. D.A.

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